What is The Gospel?
We talk a lot about the gospel. The gospel stands at the heart of the Christian faith. Without the gospel, people remain dead in their sins, estranged from God, and under his righteous wrath.
The word “gospel” comes from a word meaning “good news.” The gospel is the good news that, though we have rebelled against God, we can be reconciled to him through Jesus’ perfectly obedient life, sin-bearing death, life-giving resurrection, and continual intercession before the throne of God on our behalf. The gift of God’s grace is freely available to anyone who turns from sin and trusts in Jesus.
Listen to a sermon about Refuge’s core value, Gospel:
Our Mission and Values
God invites us to know Him as He has revealed himself in the Scriptures. God calls us to be transformed by His Spirit. He commissions us to live out this transformation in our ordinary lives as we do the work of the Kingdom: joyful worship, humble proclamation, and faithful obedience.
This Know-Be-Do idea is the foundation of our core values as a church.
We want to see the Truth of the Gospel transform the way we relate to life in it’s three primary realms.
Our relationship with God as we move from rebellion to Worship;
Our relationship with others as we move from comparison to Community;
Our relationship with ourselves as we learn to Reflect the image of God;
We want to live out this truth fueled transformation by joining God in his Mission of restoring the world to Himself
Gospel-Centered Theology
Our Core Doctrine
We are a non-denominational church that holds to the historic Christian faith as expressed in the Apostles Creed.
We hold deep convictions regarding:
The Trinitarian nature of God – God exists in three persons sharing one essence. Each member of the Trinity is co-equal and co-eternal, each deserving our love and worship.
Biblical Christology- Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God, was born of a virgin and is both fully God and fully human. This makes him the sole Mediator between God and people, the only one able to restore the broken relationship and resulting alienation sin brought.
The authority of the Scriptures- The 66 books of the Bible are inspired by God and are therefore authoritative in all matters pertaining to right living and right belief.
All good theology should produce worship in the hearts of God’s people and compel us to joyfully love our neighbors as ourselves. Theology which does anything less than this is lacking. God’s people are called to hold their beliefs with deep conviction. But, these deep convictions should never turn into arrogance or pride. Good theology glorifies God best when it is held in humility and love.