Christians find their joy and hope in knowing God. One of the primary ways we do this is through seeking Him in the Scriptures. Here are a few helpful resources to dive deeper into God’s Word and learn how to put these truths into practice in our daily lives.
This statement represents the beliefs of biblical and historic Christian faith. These beliefs are the glory and joy of Christ’s Church. They form the foundation for the life and hope we have.
This is the covenant that individuals enter into when they agree to become members of Refuge Church.
Who is Refuge as a local church? What are our key values? How does Refuge tie into the greater Church?
How does Refuge view truth? What is the source of our truth? What are the basic beliefs of Refuge?
If you are interested in using the Refuge building for an event, this document will give you all the details that you need to get started. Please read the entire document and then contact the office for availability.
This highlights the commitment of our elders to guide and shepherd the members of Refuge Church. It outlines the process that Refuge follows to promote harmony in the church.