COVID-19 Update


SUNDAY GATHERING: As many of you probably suspected, we are going to adhere to the wisdom of the CDC and move our Sunday gatherings strictly online. We are taking some time this week to get a better live stream in place and will stream worship services at our normal service times with “essential personnel only” up at church (audio/video volunteers, elders, and musicians). We know that remaining connected will be huge, so we want to keep the service live and are looking at ways to be interactive as much as we can. If you have thoughts or idea for that, feel free to email

ELDER SHEPHERDING: We want to be praying for you regularly, encouraging you, and making sure that we are bearing these burdens together. We are finalizing the elder shepherding teams this week so the elders can regularly pray for and encourage the members of the church during our time apart. Members should look for some communication from an elder within the next week and a half. Please make sure to respond so we know that we have email addresses and all of that correct.

If you are not yet a member of Refuge but would like to remain connected to Refuge in this way, please email us at so we can be sure everyone is being cared for as we share the burdens of these uncertain times, together.

GC’S: The CDC is recommending a 6ft personal parameter around non-family members as well as fewer than 10 people in a room. You might have groups that still gather, but we want to be very respectful and walk with wisdom around each other. There are numerous health issues that we want to honor. So, GC’s will continue to examine their comfort level and preferred method of gathering: whether that be in a large space or through technology. We’re also going to be communicating more as GC leaders on creative ideas - prayer walks, outdoor gatherings where there is a lot of space, various technological ways to have meetings (Zoom, etc…).

I have also received a few texts and messages, and I know there is a high anxiety level surrounding primarily issues of health and finances. I will be regularly putting some practices on Facebook and the Refuge app on ways to press in with prayer and meditation and confession. There are simple practices and there are practices that will take time…which we might all find in abundance very soon. Please try to take advantage of these resources, and in a time of cultural anxiety, may we find or refine or truly grow our relationship with Jesus. We will work diligently to address material needs as they arise, but let’s take the opportunity to dive deep in our spiritual needs. Everything else in life is interrupted right now, Jesus is not.

We are loved by our great Savior. He is washing over us, even now, with the water of His Word. He will present us to himself without spot or wrinkle or any such blemish.


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